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So its “Strength in Numbers” fellow Business Owners.

Sole App and The Buyers Network have got together to create this Team Buying Deal for Sole Traders and SMEs. They believe they can get 10%-30% reduction in your Business Electricity Bills when they approach multiple vendors with 20 + Businesses. It makes sense to get a Group Saving when approaching a supplier with that many customers right?

For some of us that saving could be well over $1000+ on electricity, so its worthwhile.

So come and Join us ! -Share the Team with Business Associates or friends on Social Media.

Note: The Team is for businesses with operations in VIC, NSW, QLD, and SA.

You might already be on the cheapest possible rate but things change all the time. If TBN can’t save you more, then you get your $30 deposit back. Simple.

You can also add your home bills as well for Gas and Electricity (Main Residence) , Just click “Add Upload” to add another bill and use the checkbox to note that its for your Home or Business.

Disclaimer: Savings will be calculated per year based on estimated usage and rates as quoted on your bill. Future usage and rates may vary.

You will need to fill in this Form (new window) with basic utilities usage if you are adding this product.





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